Spacemaking Package

If you suffer from chronic pain or any chronic condition like anxiety or fatigue, this new and powerful combination of techniques shifts the focus from 'what's wrong with the body' to the neural pathways that are stuck in 'alarm'. Using Pain-Reprocessing Therapy and then going deeper with visualisation and Parts Work, this is the frontier of chronic pain healing. 
20% off for members of The Portal Collective :)
The Good Body Space
If you'd like to book a call to explore the package further, you can do so below.


Thanks so much for booking this package! Simply book in a 15 minute call below and we'll confirm the rest. 
Hello, I’m Laine, owner of The Good Body Space.

I have worked in the realms of bodywork and somatic therapies for over 15 years and am so excited to be able to offer a unique combination of techniques to help facilitate healing of mind, body and emotional pain.

I specialise in chronic pain conditions (including chronic stress and anxiety as well as physical ongoing pain) and work over zoom and in-person.

Techniques and tools:
  • Body Stress Release (BSR)
  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT)
  • Clinical Somatics Exercises
  • Embodied Coaching & Parts Work Breathwork & Visualisation

Your 5-session Spacemaking package will be tailored according to your needs using a combination of these therapies and techniques. 
Write your awesome label here.