Reclaiming Home

An ongoing somatic practice space: Explore with movement, rest in community and feel supported through conversational coaching.

Reclaiming Home is your invitation to expand your somatic skills to meet the challenges of our times and find comfort and inspiration in your own body. 
Sara Duigou

Reclaiming Home

Sara Duigou

Reclaiming Home

This space will open for you on 1st March when your first payment will also be taken. In the meantime, check out the online culture document below.
Sara Duigou

practice, connection and community

There’s a yearning for something deeper. After generations of disconnection and disembodiment, many of us are ready to come home to ourselves—to feel fully present, grounded, and alive in more than just the very tops of our heads. We’re craving connection, community, and a relationship with our bodies and each other that isn’t built on force, extraction, or constant correction.

Embodiment and somatics invite us to experience a different way of being with ourselves and connecting to our humanness. Being embodied helps to heal the mind-body divide and reminds us that we’re a wonderous eco-system of connection not just a sum of separate parts.

We can read, talk, and think about embodiment all we want, but without physical practice, we’re left only with concepts and ideas—often feeling even more separated. True embodiment comes alive when we do the thing, when we experience it in our bodies, moving from knowing into feeling.
Write your awesome label here.

Choose your plan

When you sign up you will be added to a trial until the 1st March when your payment will be processed.

Full rate

  • Sessions are recorded and members have access to the recording library. 
  • Monthly theme with prompts and ideas to develop into lived experience.
  • A 60-minute exploratory session; practice, conversation, learning. 
  • A 60-minute practice session anchoring our theme into the body.
  • A 90-minute conversational coaching call. 
  • The Nest - a community space where we can cultivate connection, share resources, ask questions or lean into support.
  • Extra resources, mini-practices and prompts as relevant.

Solidarity rate

Everything in the Full rate.
You’re invited to use the solidarity rate if you’re unpaid, lowly paid, in financial difficulty, or otherwise unable to afford the standard price without causing financial distress. Capitalist norms train us to try and extract as much as we can from one another. I want to be fair to you and I trust you to be fair to me and everyone else participating.
Psst, if you’re already part of a subscription on The Portal Collective please raise a support ticket here, and we’ll sort you out a subscription to this asap. Thanks for your understanding!

Join here

Say hello in The Nest

The Nest is your community space where you can cultivate connection, share resources, ask questions or lean into support.
Let's nest up together. Come create your profile in Circle and we'll add you in.

Monthly resources

Hi, I’m Sara, a coach specialising in somatics and embodiment. I’m a little bit obsessed with how we create a loving relationship with the many facets of ourselves through the medium of the felt sense: the body.

I’m a movement practitioner and often find the way home to myself through the relationship between my own body and the outside world. I support other people to do that too. 

My coaching work centres around gentleness, ease and enjoyment as the cornerstones to change. An antidote to the ‘harder, faster, more’ message that’s drummed into us from birth.

In a world that pushes hyper-individualism and disconnection, many of us are left feeling fragmented, unsure of how much space we can take up, and out of touch with our bodies.

Reclaiming Home
 is an invitation to reimagine the relationship between your body and the wider world and meet the challenges of our times by finding comfort and inspiration in your own body and the support of community. I’d love to have you join us x
Visit Sara's Substack
Write your awesome label here.