Design courses your    community wants to be a part of.

Create + share beautiful, engaging 💥 interactive courses. Easily.

In our first to market, drag and drop course creation tool.

Sign up for £200 today and get 6 months, unlimited access when we launch in June.*

Be one of the first to do it differently.
*Post-launch prices start at £45pm subscription.

The Portal has got people talking 🌀

And now you’re able to become part of the revolution.

At The Portal Collective we’ve been doing business differently and are helping others do the same.

While our done-for-you service has been a huge success, we’ve been busy in the background designing and developing its next iteration - where you can create and share offers yourself.

We’re fighting back against the broligarchy to create a warm, friendly and nurturing ecosystem of Creators who are looking to share their offers on a platform that aligns with their values. 

1. Create

  • Create your profile
  • Add your branding
  • Put your offer together
  • Share it in our growing marketplace and get paid
(Yes, it’s that simple!)

2. Grow

Create a freebie and share it for anyone to access. They get a real taste of your work and you get their details for future offers, easy peasy. 

It doesn't matter if you’re just starting out - when you put your offer together and share it within our marketplace, you're starting at the same place as everyone else there.

3. Inspire

The magic is in the spaces in-between. While our tools help you build pretty sexy learning content, we’re all about the conversations that happen when we sit in community. That’s why we have integrated with the Circle platform to allow you to host a thriving community as part of your offer. 

4. Experience

Just because you’re a Creator doesn’t mean you can’t be an Experiencer too. Get involved with the cross pollination of ideas by signing up to other’s offers. 

Wonder why we think we’re so different? 👀

Have you had the experience of going to create an online course and then realising just how much was involved?
  • Choosing the platform and connecting the tech.
  • Recording all those videos and first working out how to do that.
  • And then, when (if) you finally get it created, where do you go to find your audience? You fight with algorithms, pay for ads or you simply retire it, all that hard work wasted.
And how many courses have you bought that you never completed? 

Did they inspire you? Did you meet great people that became friends?

Maybe you did but there is a lot of rubbish out there, jam packed with boring videos and PDFs that have our hands twitching to open another tab before you can hit the Mark As Complete button.
Empty space, drag to resize

Sign up for £200 today and get 6 months, unlimited access when we launch in June.*

Be one of the first to do it differently.
*Post-launch prices start at £45pm subscription.

So this is where it gets really interesting, for you as a Creator and for your learners. 

Our tool allows you to create way more than just video. Inspired by what they’re doing in the elearning world, we’ve built this to revolutionise the market - and you could be one of the first adopters.

Break down your content into digestible chunks by putting together clickable tabs.
Make people interact with your content, creating space for them to digest and think about it by using flashcards or clickable hotspots.
Record your audio straight into the tool. No more faffing between software - grab your mic, click record and you’re good to go.
Make it super stylish by applying your branding colours and choosing awesome images from our library. Or you can upload and use your own.

All using our simple and intuitive building blocks and drag and drop tool (think Squarespace or Flodesk but for course creation!)

And then there's the future 🔮

From launch onwards we'll be working on features and releases on a publicly available roadmap that you can add to and track progress on. Currently planned is native communication tools (no more Zoom) and cross collaboration of resources between Creators.

Ok, how does this work?

01  🔨

Sign up + pay

Selecting Sign me up will take you to the checkout where you can pay.

This money will be used to complete the development of the platform.
02 🌌

Journey with us

We'll give you regular updates on progress along the development roadmap. 

You'll also gain access to our Circle community space as soon as ready (~2nd week of Feb).
03 🚀

Dive in

We will open the doors in June for you to get creating! From there you'll be able to regularly feedback and contribute to upcoming feature releases.

 Meet those already using (and loving ) The Portal 🍄


“It’s so satisfying to divert even a little money and attention from huge tech companies, their oppressive algorithms and insatiable appetites for divisive, oversimplified discourse.”


“For me, The Portal Collective is a beautiful way to weave liberation work into my life in a way that’s meaningful and purposeful with others who share the same life purpose.”


“The Portal provides a place in a way that feels so in line with my values, with my integrity, it makes me want to offer more of myself in service to a community, knowing full well that the connection between us all feeds and nourishes us.”


“The Portal Collective as a learning and community platform gives me hope. No clunkiness, no complicated setup and you know exactly where your money is going. The team is gorgeous, the people I've met through TPC are magnificent and the platform is a joy to navigate with a pleasing colour scheme. Everyone join!”


“I love that being part of The Portal aligns deeply with my values, I feel at home here and honoured to share space with some wonderful humans.”


“Mostly I'm a big fan of being on a platform I know aligns with my values. There's so much compromise involved in running a business, but I don't have to compromise with my platform anymore!”

We would love for you to join us!

Sign up for £200 today and get 6 months, unlimited access when we launch in June.*

Be one of the first to do it differently.
*Post-launch prices start at £45pm subscription.