Build and grow your meaningful movement

Have your very own online academy designed, built and launched in less than 4 months. Prices start at £7,700
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Whether you're educating cohorts on building resilient communities, creating training programmes to be distributed to your members for urgent action or you're wanting your own platform away from big tech so you can have spacious reflections and gatherings on what-on-earth-humanity-can-do-next, we're your team to help you navigate all that with ease and impact. 
“Being in the teacher, mentor role comes easy to me. What is often a real struggle, is the design of courses, graphics and the user experience - I don’t want to just chuck out courses that don’t truly add value to folks lives and the world around them.

So when I spoke to the team at The Portal I knew I had found a great partnership.”
Joanna Miller
Somatic Teacher & Mentor
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Do any of these sound familiar?

You've been looking to create a new presence online for your non-profit and to grow your reach but the companies you've looked at to help you are charging prices way beyond your budget. 

You're currently booked up running face-to-face workshops and courses and know there is a brilliant business case to take it online. But the thought of recording hours of video and creating hundreds of PDFs has had you and your team stalling for months.

You’ve been hosting the occasional Zoom sessions to help onboard new members of your movement and it’s worked well, but you know there is so much more of an opportunity to spread the message and resource your community.

You’ve got everything spread across Google docs and PowerPoints and it just doesn’t feeling shiny and exciting enough to engage new audiences. You’ve taken a look at how to do it yourself and it’s completely overwhelming and time consuming.

The pandemic taught us how quickly things can change overnight in how we facilitate what we teach. Online learning allows resiliency in our fast changing world as well as the opportunity for global reach of your message.
By creating an online membership, gatherings and workshops alongside your training programmes, you can create new revenue streams that give your movement the strong foundations required to reach new frontiers. 
We move you from documents and endless video records to interactive live learning experiences and engaging, self paced resources that inspire and empower your community. Think interactive videos, articles and live events alongside podcasts and bitesize learning snacks for those who need to engage on the go.
At The Portal we know the value of meeting and learning in person which is why we often advocate a blending learning approach. Here we consult on how you can bring the bulk of your content online and streamline the process while also continuing to provide your valuable offline workshops alongside.
Years of experience in the elearning industry along with a robust design, development and delivery process allows us to offer this at an affordable price, without compromising on quality.
Our process has us with you all the way to launch and beyond, with templates and training for your team so you can take it over with confidence when ready.

We believe in creating long-term relationships and always want to know how you’re getting on. If at some point you feel you need some extra input from us we’ll be ready to help you with the purchase of support hours from the same dedicated team.
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We get to know you, your current offerings and the big vision. We also spend time understanding your learners - who they are, the goals they need to achieve and how they will be digesting your content. 


We take everything from the discovery phase along with your branding to put together a concept for what your academy should offer and at what point. This establishes a roadmap for you to follow beyond handover so you can continue to build with the templates and roll out new offers when ready.


We build out your academy, membership and your first course structure.

We set up your live events with space for Q&As, your community spaces and your membership tiers. Basically everything that’s been established as a requirement in the first phase!

Your site is optimised for SEO and everything you need is integrated like Zoom, Stripe and your email marketing platform. 


After a rigorous testing process and sign off from your side, we launch your academy with you!

We’re here for a week of support after go-live before we complete your training.

If you need any help going forward, we provide packs of chargeable support hours.
Working with Sally and The Portal Collective has breathed life back into my business. The online business and learning space has become so homogenous and tiresome, I’ve struggled to be inspired to participate in it, even though I deeply believe in the value of my work. 

The experimental offerings that have emerged from my working relationship with Sally have revealed a new depth in my connection with my clients, and seeded the most meaningful feedback I’ve ever received. 

It’s so satisfying to divert even a little money and attention from huge tech companies, their oppressive algorithms and insatiable appetites for divisive, oversimplified discourse.

I can’t recommend working with Sally highly enough. 

As Octavia Butler wrote- there is nothing new under the sun, but there are new suns. Here we are, basking in rays.
Keri Jarvis
Intersectional Feminist Developmental Coach
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Our affiliate scheme has landed

We’ve recently launched our affiliate scheme that offers 10% of any academy build purchases made using your referral link.

Simply apply using the form below and if we feel we’re a good fit we’ll provide you with an affiliate pack including your own link to begin sharing this offer with your contacts.

You can then expect to be paid your commissions on a monthly basis with no limit to how much you can earn.
sally, founder + director
After spending 16 years in the corporate elearning world, I became disillusioned with the companies and values of those I was creating content for and enrolled myself onto a Permaculture Design Course.

It revolutionised my view of the world and the solutions available to us.

Unable to leave my geek self behind, I launched The Portal - helping people build new worlds through community, collaboration and collective imagination.

We’re dedicated to changing the ways we commune and learn online, embracing lush ecologies that are undermined in our current systems.

We believe in the importance of leaning on our interconnectedness to find the tools needed to create better resilience and health and to co-create to build solutions for planetary and collective wellbeing.