Become a Creator

Have your own space created and hosted within our growing marketplace + share a freebie for your community.

£120 set up fee, followed by £12 a month hosting.


This is exciting. Check your email and we'll be in touch very soon!

A new and enriching space to share your work and get it seen. 

Welcome to The Portal Collective. Where your work is shared and uplifted in a supportive community also navigating how to do business in this rocky terrain. 

Share and sell your offers online via our easy to begin package. 

Becoming a Creator on The Portal Collective means your own space - just like this one - that allows you to share and sell an offer.

Whether that's a one off live workshop with the recording made available, a workbook, an audio or a movement video, you can start drumming up interest in your work while also building that all important mailing list. 

All wrapped up in a community cuddle. 

“It’s so satisfying to divert even a little money and attention from huge tech companies, their oppressive algorithms and insatiable appetites for divisive, oversimplified discourse.”

Keri Jarvis
Certified Developmental Coach with an Intersectional Feminist lens

Not sure what we’re on about? Allow us to explain…

We take your images, your copy and your social media links and create you your own space.

We also take whatever it is that you want to make available when people sign up (some call it a lead magnet, we’re open to suggestions) and host it here for you.

You can share the link to the space with anyone you want and when they come here they can sign up and access it.
We then send their email and name to your marketing platform (if you have one) and if you’re charging, we deal with the checkout for you and transfer the funds once a month.

We do not take any percentage of this revenue - you just have to pay the standard Stripe processing fee - so you can keep your hard earned cash!

Finally we make it available in our marketplace and promote it on our social media channels when ready.

There is a £120 set up fee and after that it’s £12 a month to be hosted here.

“I believe we can’t just talk about revolution, about new ways of thinking and existing amongst our peers or on social media, we must actively participate in the building of the new world in every way we can. For me, The Portal Collective is a beautiful way to weave liberation work into my life in a way that’s meaningful and purposeful with others who share the same life purpose.”

Breath guide, meditation teacher, energy practitioner, movement expert and sleep coach 

And the exact steps are...

Sign up and pay using the button below

We'll send you the first of many cuddles - a big ol' thank you note from us and confirmation of your purchase. 

We'll be in touch very soon after with a GoogleDoc

This will give you all the space to add your stuff with clear guidelines on what we need.

Once you've completed that doc we'll crack on building your space

We're currently looking at a 2 week turnaround for this step before we ask you to review it, approve it and to start your direct debit for hosting (we'll send you the link, it's super simple). 

We open it up for the world!

We'll give you a shout out in our newsletter and social media + introduce you to all the other Creators on the platform via our private community space (it's ALIVE with the coolest of peeps from the internet!)

“Being part of The Portal has taught me so many things. It has humbled me in ways that I’m so grateful for because it was never about me. I'm only one person involved in a bigger picture, and I love that. I love the constant reminder of that when I see all the other people that are getting involved when I see what the offerings are, when I see the people behind the machine.”

Jacqueline Kelly
Matrescence Coach + Trainee Psychotherapist

Why become a Creator on The Portal Collective?

Get away from the big tech bros and their costly ads

And instead become part of a nurturing collective who support and share your work (as well as your values).

Free content for you and your community

We host monthly live gatherings from fundraisers to our Composting coaching calls. You can even become a contributor yourself via collaborations with other members - a really great marketing opportunity!

Grow with us

This is a growing marketplace - the more people who join the platform, the more they bring with them and the more people see and share your work. 

Help us resource new worlds

Every person that becomes part of The Portal Collective becomes a much loved and supported piece of the vision where we are getting away from the mercy of algorithms and suppressed political content and towards a world we all want to imagine is possible.

Want more?

If you're loving the sound of this but would like to create more, such as live gatherings and a private community space, then our membership offer may be more suitable. If you're looking to create something even bigger then our we offer course creation or even your very own Academy Build.
Empty space, drag to resize

“The ethos behind The Portal is a breath of fresh air and I really strongly recommend more conscious teachers and creators to get on board whilst you can.”

Joanna Miller
Somatic Teacher & Mentor


I'm in but a little nervous that it won't work out and I wouldn't be able to continue the hosting fee...

We completely understand and would never make you commit to something you cannot get out of. If you feel it's time to remove the offer then we will stop your direct debit immediately, put the offer into draft mode and wait until you're ready to return. Please understand this is for genuine harder times, not because it's the summer hols :) We need to make sustainable revenue too!

I can't decide between this or the Membership

Both offers start with the same piece - creating your space - so if you want to begin with this and then feel out a Membership then we minus the cost of what you've paid when you upgrade.

I'm not sure this offer is right for me - can we have a call?

At the moment we have really limited capacity to have calls which is why we have such a detailed FAQs section and examples available. If you feel like you're offer doesn't quite fit but you would like to become a Creator then contact us on and we'll answer any questions you may have. 

Do you have payment plans? 

Contact us and we can happily offer a two part part payment plan for the initial set up fee. As we grow, we aim to continuously improve on making our offers more accessible. Please contact for any feedback on pricing or requests for payment plans. Solidarity my friend. 

Can it be in my branding? 

We ask you share your brand photos with us which we use throughout your space along with any specific copy you want added to the sections provided. At this moment in time we cannot make changes to the colours or fonts for your space as this would have a costly knock on for the rest of the site. We see this as a collective space where you share your offerings such as Insight Timer or Stack World. If having it in your branding is really important to you then consider donating for us to fund the next stage of development - more info in the answer below!

This sounds brilliant but not for me. Is there any other way I can support The Portal's vision?

Thank you and absolutely 🙂 We're trying to raise £50,000 to fund the next stage of development and are asking for people to donate £25 each before sharing the campaign and how to resource new worlds with others. You can read more and donate here.