Come say hi in the Community.
This is a private space for us to gather our thoughts.
I'll be dropping into the community space to answer and guide with anything that is coming up for you.
Come create your profile in Circle and we'll add you in.
Come create your profile in Circle and we'll add you in.
There is innate goodness inside of you.
Write your awesome label here.
Our calls

I am the grateful daughter of a coal miner and a hard-working gregarious mother. I am the descendant of many generations of straight talking, heart led, working-class folk in the north of England.
I live by the sea in a community of creatives and different cultures by the Kentish seaside. I am a loving guardian of my two cats, Ginger and Zac.
Before finally landing in work that I fully love I travelled a corporate path in the food and drink industry that allowed me to ‘fit in’.
Something that had been survival trait born of many traumatic experiences that disconnected me from my body, healthy self-esteem and the breath of life. In this part of my life I learnt much about resilience and many other hard lessons. I am grateful for the brave part of me that eventually took the very first step towards healing.
A creative and mystic at heart I studied sculpture in my early thirties which I now see as a part of my healing journey. And eventually, after many years of personal exploration and therapy I began retraining and orienting towards this work in my late thirties.
My training has been extensive and I am a practitioner in many modalities including Focalizing, Somatic Experiencing, Healing from Shame, Shadow Constellations, Embodiment Coaching, Yoga and Meditation, Neuroaffective Touch and many other Somatic modalities. I regularly take CPD as well as my way of being informed by my own practice, the humans I work with and time with Elders and in the community. I love this work and it is my life's work to share it with others.
My training has been extensive and I am a practitioner in many modalities including Focalizing, Somatic Experiencing, Healing from Shame, Shadow Constellations, Embodiment Coaching, Yoga and Meditation, Neuroaffective Touch and many other Somatic modalities. I regularly take CPD as well as my way of being informed by my own practice, the humans I work with and time with Elders and in the community. I love this work and it is my life's work to share it with others.
Write your awesome label here.