Skinnydipping into the underworld
Skinnydipping into the underworld
Over 6 weeks...
we will skinny dip into
- energy
- astrology
- intuitive movement
from inside of empire physically but outside of empire energetically .
And if it feels good we will keep going .
This offering is a fundraiser for villages destroyed by the Zionist occupation in southern Lebanon .
Everyone is welcome even if payment is not possible at this time. Use the coupon freeskinnydip at checkout.
These sessions will not be recorded but will repeat twice each week in case you miss one .
Our Sessions
Rayya is an over-certified breath guide, meditation teacher, energy practitioner, movement expert and sleep coach who no longer believes that certifications really matter.
She has asked the stars, the moon, the trees and the ancestors to certify her readiness to share these essential wellbeing practices with others (but is still waiting for the paperwork).
In the spirit of reciprocity, this club is offered freely.
May you offer something to the universe in return.
She has asked the stars, the moon, the trees and the ancestors to certify her readiness to share these essential wellbeing practices with others (but is still waiting for the paperwork).
In the spirit of reciprocity, this club is offered freely.
May you offer something to the universe in return.